Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2
Available Languages: en
Description: | Provides the ability to create extended authentication providers based on actual providers |
Status: | Extension |
Module�Identifier: | authn_alias_module |
Source�File: | mod_authn_alias.c |
Compatibility: | Available in Apache 2.1 and later |
This module allows extended authentication providers to be created
within the configuration file and assigned an alias name. The alias
providers can then be referenced through the directives
the same way as a base authentication provider. Besides the ability
to create and alias an extended provider, it also allows the same
extended authentication provider to be reference by multiple
The example below creates two different ldap authentication provider aliases based on the ldap provider. This allows a single authenticated location to be serviced by multiple ldap hosts:
LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/mod_authn_alias.so
<AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-alias1>
AuthLDAPBindDN cn=youruser,o=ctx
AuthLDAPBindPassword yourpassword
AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldap.host/o=ctx
<AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-other-alias>
AuthLDAPBindDN cn=yourotheruser,o=dev
AuthLDAPBindPassword yourotherpassword
AuthLDAPURL ldap://other.ldap.host/o=dev?cn
Alias /secure /webpages/secure
<Directory /webpages/secure>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
AuthBasicProvider ldap-other-alias ldap-alias1
AuthType Basic
AuthName LDAP_Protected_Place
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
require valid-user
Description: | Enclose a group of directives that represent an extension of a base authentication provider and referenced by the specified alias |
Syntax: | <AuthnProviderAlias baseProvider Alias>
... </AuthnProviderAlias> |
Context: | server config, virtual host |
Status: | Extension |
Module: | mod_authn_alias |
are used to enclose a group of
authentication directives that can be referenced by the alias name
using one of the directives
Available Languages: en